Friday, February 01, 2008

Cookie for a stranger

So I went to Starbucks to get my normal chai tea to help me start out the day. The lady taking my order was very happy and overly excited to be alive(think she had her share of coffee). She asked me if I wanted to purchase a cookie and I responded no. She then said well can I try and talk you into buying one for a good cause? So I was just like no thanks I really don't need a cookie......... Then once she gave me her little story she was like well if you don't want it you can just give it to the car behind you.
So finally I am just like fine I will get the darn cookie! So I pull up and am like well do you want the cookie? She said nope but I will give it to the car behind you and tell them you wanted to brighten their day......................................
Weird, right?
Can you imagine what the person who got that cookie was thinking? I don't know just thought it was an interesting thing to think about. :-)
Who knows ok well that is all I really have to say for now!


Camie said...

Not sure If I would take a cookie from a stranger, and deff. not at a drive through window! How strange, but funny story!

Elizabeth said...

Sheila-sorry already gave up the cookie!
Camie-yeah it is a little weird but I didn't want them to trash it that would be a waste.

Anonymous said...

i already told you how much i loved this story! i just would've liked to have been the person in the car behind you!

so a new post about how excited you are about me coming home would be nice :)

see you SOON!!