Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Another one bites the dust!

So we officially decided what we are doing about the alcohol situation for the wedding.
We have decided to do two hours open bar and then from there on out people have to pay for anything else that they want. We will be giving each table a bottle of champagne as well. This is just the best we could do on our fixed budget and still letting people drink without having to pay too much.
I hope that it doesn't kill the party but it is what is going to happen unless I win the lottery and considering I don't play doubtful really.
The other thing that we took care of was the attendants gifts and the parents gifts.
So those things are out of the way now and I can move on to others.
There is still a list that seems the size of China but we are getting there some how.
We have Christmas soon and then I am afraid time might fly like nothing else.
So here is hoping I can keep my sanity over the next four months.


Elizabeth said...

Sheila-I would be happy to do that if I knew for sure I was going to win!!!!
And then I would gladly give you the money nevermind borrow.

Not a Granny said...

We did exactly that for my daughter's wedding. It was still great. People didn't mind paying for their drinks later.

Elizabeth said...

Good that makes me feel better.
It is always hard when trying to decide things like that.

Anonymous said...

WTF?! We have to pay? Such BS!

he he...just kidding! glad you've got some things sorted! i'm so looking forward to the big day!

miss you!

Camie said...

I had an open bar for 5 hours...People weresloshed by the time it was over. 2 hours is nuch better.

Elizabeth said...

Camie-You are probably right. I don't want to be responsible for people driving home after having a ton of booze that I just provided.