Tuesday, November 27, 2007

More stuff here!

Well we now have the guinea fowl feathers. I know some of you are probably thinking what the hell are those? Right, well in South Africa they are a very common bird so we are using part of that in our decorations.
Here is picture so you can have an idea of what I am talking about.

I know what you are thinking, that poor bird is not that much to look at and really he isn't. However his feathers are really cool and that is what we are using so there you have it.
Any questions? :-)

Anyways back to my point we have some dear friends who have volunteered to give us their feathers and we just got a couple bags today. It is very interesting to me the different stuff that will go into making this big day happen!
Once we get them all cleaned up I will take a photo of the actual feather's themselves and show everyone. I really like the look of them because they are like a black and white polka dot if you can envision that at all.


Sheila said...

so, like, someone killed the a bird for you and shipped you the feathers? weird african folks.

Not a Granny said...

What are you going to use them for? Pillows?

Camie said...

Wow, kinda looks like a turkey...will the feathers make a centerpiece or what?? huh. neat, can't wait to see the final product!!!

Elizabeth said...

Sheila-you are crazy!

Not a granny-we are going to use them for decoration like in the centerpieces and then as accents in the bouquets of flowers like for the brides maids and stuff.

Camie-I guess it kind of does look like a turkey huh. Yes, we will use them for centerpiece and then other stuff as mentioned above. They are just an accent it won't be like crazy feather decor all over the place or anything. :-)
I will be sure to take pictures so you can see what they look like as a final product.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kevin said he'd take my place as a bridesmaid, so that I could stay across the pond. So I'm sure he'll look great with a guinea foul bouquet!

;) LOL!

Elizabeth said...

Kristi-Oh you think you are funny do you?
Not so much he already has a job sorry!!!
You have no choice.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Kevin can multi-task...I've seen him drink and smoke at the same time!

*cheesy grin*

You know I wouldn't miss your big day for ANYTHING! I'll be there with bells on...I just love giving you a little trouble!

Trisha (Ashlyn's Adoring Mommy) said...

Will you put some on my butt cake?

Elizabeth said...

Trish- I will see what I can do.