Thursday, November 15, 2007

Invitations ordered and on the way even!

Well we did it! And by we I am talking about Sheila and I cause you know we are awesome! We ordered the invitations and it only took us like two hours to get completed. In our defense we had to pick a photo to put on it, so we had to look at like a million ones before we picked one. It is big stuff you know like two hundred people will be looking at these invitations so we had to make sure it was done right. It was interesting to say the least, I wouldn't say fun necessarily but we had fun hanging out at least!
Anyways according to an email I just got they are on their way to Sheila's house right now so we'll see how it turns out. I am sure they will be fine, we checked it enough times I feel like, right?? :-)

Our next task is the programs which if I might say I am not looking forward to it. Not that I don't want to do it, I just think that it is going to be a handful of things that I don't want to think about that we have to put into the programs. Oh well we have to do it and we are going to be all sitting down and talking about it this Saturday.

I also went for my dress fitting so that they could make it shorter so I don't trip and fall on my face. I think that we are having to take off like two inches but you know whatever!!!


Camie said...

I deffenitly want to see pics of this wedding.

Elizabeth said...

Sheila-No, I don't want to break my neck.

Camie-don't worry we will put lots of pictures up.
I promise!