Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Friday!

Let's party! Ok, well not really I mean if you want to go ahead but I probably wont. Anyways I remember when I used to love Fridays because it meant the start of the weekend but not anymore really! Why? Well because now all it means for me is that I have only a certain amount of time to do a certain amount of things and then it's the week again! Big sigh! Large sweat drops down my face.
So yeah it really doesn't mean anymore fun these days, sad but true. Can I just take a moment to talk about people in your life that really make you angry. I love it when you think that you are finally really getting along just fine and then baam here is a wrench in the whole thing! Why would someone do this? I really don't know but am a firm believer that sometimes people just don't get it like they should. It makes me sad frankly and I know that no matter how I try and explain it won't matter because they see it their way and no other way. Yes, I know everyone loves those people it's my way or the highway! Ya, you know it baby! I wish I could change it but I don't think that there is a way. So oh well guess it will just have to be but man thats sucks!
Okay enough being all boo hoo, I will try and enjoy me weekend best I can. We are meeting with our photographer on Saturday so we'll see how that goes.


Trisha (Ashlyn's Adoring Mommy) said...

Why are we all thinking about the past and having to be grown ups? I refuse...I ain't!!!

(temper tantrum here...lying on floor kicking and screaming)

Elizabeth said...

Sheila-I do remember the good old days! I liked them better just so that is clear.
Trish-good idea!